I have been a teaching principal in a small rural school for the last 3 years. Before this I have over 10 years teaching experience teaching students ranging in age 5 through to 12 and have loved every minute.
“Students are engaged, motivated and keen to succeed. They take responsibility for their learning and increasingly know about themselves as learners. They stay on task, work well together and help each other. Positive and respectful interactions between students underpin learning”. Educ
I have been a teaching principal in a small rural school for the last 3 years. Before this I have over 10 years teaching experience teaching students ranging in age 5 through to 12 and have loved every minute.
“Students are engaged, motivated and keen to succeed. They take responsibility for their learning and increasingly know about themselves as learners. They stay on task, work well together and help each other. Positive and respectful interactions between students underpin learning”. Educ
This resource is perfect for your Reduce Reuse Recycle Unit or any other caring for the environment study. It has 15 sorting cards to cut and paste into either the reduce, reuse or recycle areas on a ‘Y’ chart. I used this activity to start a ‘Trash to Treasure’ unit that my class did.
I have included both a color version and a black and white version for you to choose from
This high quality poster is ideal for your classroom wall, bulletin board or science display. It makes a great anchor for students (and teacher) to refer to. Ideal for referencing Atoms, Elements, Molecules and Compounds.
These Morse Secret Codes are perfect to help students learn how to encrypt and decrypt Morse Code messages. They are great at engaging your students with problem solving and help support your stem teaching.
Included in this resource are
- Writing your name in Morse Code
- Five secret messages
- Answers have been included
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This STEM activity is a great group activity for your students. The challenge in this activity is to design a more efficient parachute to jump out of the Battle Bus. The students need to work together to complete the challenge and experiment given. This Fortnite activity is perfect for a back to school activity or all year around.
You do not need to know what Fortnite is (your students will) to do this challenge, but this will earn you your kids respect and you will be that “cool” teacher.
Included in this resource are teachers notes, student questions, the experiment, a PowerPoint on the history of flight and comprehension questions to go with the presentation. Everything you need to make a fun filled activity with your students.
SCIENCE: Students will use skills in the scientific method: observing, communicating, comparing, organizing, and relating.
TECHNOLOGY: Students can document learning through the use of digital technology.
ENGINEERING: Students will devise and implement a strategy to construct Marble Roller Device.
MATH: Students will explore measurement, graphing, statistics, patterns, and build mathematical knowledge through problem solving
This STEM challenge is fantastic way to bring your class together in a fun and engaging environment. The students are required to build paper chains for as long as they can with the resources given. They need to record their results and graph them. This pack includes both engineering and statistics in it and has everything you need. Just print and go.
SCIENCE: Students will use skills in the scientific method: observing, communicating, comparing, organizing, and relating.
TECHNOLOGY: Students can document learning through the use of digital technology.
ENGINEERING: Students will devise and implement a strategy to construct a chain link system.
MATH: Students will explore measurement, graphing, statistics, patterns, and build mathematical knowledge through problem solving
This high quality poster is ideal for your classroom wall, bulletin board or science display. It makes a great anchor for students (and teacher) to refer to. Ideal for referencing Atoms, Elements, Molecules and Compounds.
If you are interested in this product I have additional resources related to this topic that can be bought individually.
These colourful oil filled letters are prefect for your wall display titles. They will add color to any display.There are 2 large sizes to choose from.
There are over 150 pages of letters and numbers for you to choose from. Each letter has been saved as a high quality pdf. If you require any other format, please message me.
I print the letters that I need for the wall display title, laminate for durability, cut them out and staple them onto wall. Depending on wall color I sometimes leave a 5mm white border around the letters when I cut them to make them pop even more.
Included are Capital letters, lower case letters, numbers, popular characters such as ! $ % "" + etc.
Brighten up your classroom with these colourful letters.
This STEM Introduction Pack is a great way to introduce your class to STEM challenges and activities. It includes all you need from Student Roles, Posters, Displays, Experiments and of course Challenges. This pack can also be used to extend what you already have in your class.
This pack includes:
STEM Rotating Starship: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Rotating Starship: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Rotating Starship: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Paperclip Boat: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Water Drop Race: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Zooming Paper Dory: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Water Drop Race: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
This science and engineering challenge will challenge students about water tension. Students will conduct science experiments to introduce themselves to the concept of water tension and how water can move on different surfaces. Recording sheets are provided for students to write their observations and conclusions on. For the advanced students extension questions are provided to extend their knowledge. Also included is a technology challenge in building their own Water Drop Racetrack.
This pack contains everything you need (except straws, paper etc). All you need to do is print it off and you are up and running. It can be used as either a group activity or individual. I usually do it as a group as then you can allocate members various roles within the group.
Included are instructions, templates and extension question sheet. As a bonus I have also include an A4 STEM Poster.
Bundle Includes:
STEM Rotating Starship: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Rotating Starship: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Rotating Starship: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
These science and engineering challenges will see students create a Starship, Paper Helicopter and Flying Straw that rotate and fly when dropped and thrown. It engages the students and challenges to think about flight and what determines flight. These challenge looks at speed, direction, size and use of wings.
These packs contain everything you need. All you need to do is print it off and you are up and running. It can be used as either a group activity or individual. I usually do it as a group as then you can allocate members various roles within the group.
Included are instructions, templates and extension question sheet. As a bonus I have also include an A4 STEM Poster.
STEM Paper Helicopter: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
This science and engineering challenge will see students create a helicopter that rotates when dropped. It engages the students and challenges to think about helicopter flight and what determines flight. This challenge looks at speed, direction, size and use of wings.
This pack contains everything you need. All you need to do is print it off and you are up and running. It can be used as either a group activity or individual. I usually do it as a group as then you can allocate members various roles within the group.
Included are instructions, templates and extension question sheet. As a bonus I have also include an A4 STEM Poster.
STEM Rotating Starship: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
This science and engineering challenge will see students create a starship that rotates when dropped. It engages the students and challenges to think about flight and what determines flight. This challenge looks at speed, direction, size and use of wings.
This pack contains everything you need. All you need to do is print it off and you are up and running. It can be used as either a group activity or individual. I usually do it as a group as then you can allocate members various roles within the group.
Included are instructions, templates and extension question sheet. As a bonus I have also include an A4 STEM Poster.
This STEM activity is a great group activity for your students. It combines both engineering and statistics. The students need to work together to complete the challenge given.
SCIENCE: Students will use skills in the scientific method: observing, communicating, comparing, organizing, and relating.
TECHNOLOGY: Students can document learning through the use of digital technology.
ENGINEERING: Students will devise and implement a strategy to construct Marble Roller Device.
MATH: Students will explore measurement, graphing, statistics, patterns, and build mathematical knowledge through problem solving
This high quality poster is ideal for your classroom wall, bulletin board or science display. It makes a great anchor for students (and teacher) to refer to. I have included 5 designs with different colored tittles to fit your room decor.
STEM Flying Straw: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
This science and engineering challenge will challenge students what flight looks like.The lesson begins with a technology challenge to construct a paper plane with the materials given and then leads into the science lesson. This challenge looks at speed, direction, size and types of wings.
This pack contains everything you need (except straws). All you need to do is print it off and you are up and running. It can be used as either a group activity or individual. I usually do it as a group as then you can allocate members various roles within the group.
Included are instructions, templates and extension question sheet. As a bonus I have also include an A4 STEM Poster.
This Animal Adaptations Presentation looks at the differences between physical and behavioral animal adaptations. It provides examples with high quality images to reinforce the children's learning and talking points. At the end of the presentation there are further images to provide the students with an opportunity to explain what they have learnt.
Presentation Topics:
- Behavioral Vs Physical Adaptations
- Webbed Feet
- Sharp Claws
- Whiskers
- Sharp Teeth
- Large Beaks
- Wings/Flying
- Hooves
- The Body and Camouflage
- What Adaptations Can You See
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An A4 Poster for your STEM wall displays
See my other STEM offers....
* STEM Student Role Cards and Posters
* STEM Wall Display Title A4 and A3 version included
Both Student Roles for you STEM challenges and a Wall Display in either A4 or a3
This resource is perfect for your STEM projects. The students are given clear roles and are taught to work in teams to successfully complete their work.
Included are:
Captain Encouragement
Testing Officer
Collections Manager
Chief Communicator
To make the lanyards I laminate each sheet,cut therm out, punch a hole in the top of each and tie a piece of string around each to fit around your students necks.
I like/prefer to use colored ribbon with the corresponding colored lanyard. Just looks nicer and the kids love it!!!
STEM posters for you wall display. Each letter is on a separate A4 or A3 sized paper.These posters capture the attention and imagination of both students and teachers as they pass through your room.
In this pack there are two different designs. Choose which suits your room better.
I have included both an A4 and an A3 size to make it easy for you to print. I laminate them and then staple them to my class wall.
They go really well with my STEM role cards.
Bundle Includes:
STEM Paperclip Boat: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Water Drop Race: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
STEM Zooming Paper Dory: A Science and Engineering Challenge.
These science and engineering challenges will see students learning about water tension. There are 3 engaging water tension experiments and 3 STEM challenges included. It engages the students and challenges them to think about water tension.
These packs contain everything you need. All you need to do is print it off and you are up and running. It can be used as either a group activity or individual. I usually do it as a group as then you can allocate members various roles within the group.
Included are instructions, templates and extension question sheet. As a bonus I have also include an A4 STEM Poster.
This bundle includes 3 murder mysteries. Your students will love them.
These murder mysteries will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve addition math puzzles to solve a murder. Students will need to gather evidence by completing charts, Interview witnesses by sorting through addition equations and compare data to narrow the suspects. Finally they will narrow it down to two suspects, with a final hundred chart puzzle to uncover the truth.
Who is the Math Mystery Murderer!!!